Hi and welcome to our second blog! We wanted to put all of our lettuce hydroponics info in the same place, and provide a place for you to comment and ask questions as well.
Hydroponics is basically just gardening without using soil. There are many different systems that can be used to grow different types of plants. Static hydroponics is the type of system we use to grow our lettuce that we serve at the Farm Café. This system is great for growing lettuce which is harvested within six to eight weeks from seed. One of the great benefits of static hydroponics is it requires no electricity for pumps to move or circulate the water. Another impressive fact about static hydroponics is it actually uses less water to grow a head of lettuce than growing it in the ground.
If you are limited in garden area, a hydroponic system is perfect for lanais, under the overhang of your house and provides a great opportunity to grow your own food, even if you don’t have a yard. Home gardening is a great way to relieve stress, explore new hobbies, and also eat healthy <3
Our goal is to encourage backyard gardening and to give you -the home gardener- as many tips as possible to create a fun and successful experience.
So linked below are tips to help with planting lettuce and lettuce care. Best of Luck!
Click here for a whole pdf page with some tips and growing steps from us. You can also click here for tips from the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa!
Although Kahuku Farms does not sell hydroponic kits anymore, we still encourage you to cultivate your hydroponics garden at home and share your story with us on social media or in the comments below. Shout out local farms and other locations who may provide kits, let's build a hydroponics community around this!
Love Always, Kahuku Farms