Our Brand

Our Mission
Our Mission is Simple ....It's all about Connecting Food, People and 'Aina with Authentic Island Farming Experiences.

Our Kahuku Farm bee, adorned in a plantation style hat and affectionately known as “Meli” (which means bee in Hawaiian) is symbolic of our agricultural history in Hawaii. Bees are important to the pollination of crops grown in the islands, which is why we selected the bee as our symbol. We know that bees have been producing honey on Oahu dating back to the mid 1800’s. Without them, many of our crops would not exist today.
We, at Kahuku Farms are committed, along with our busy bees, to increase and sustain the development of tropical and diversified agriculture in Hawaii.

live Fresh • love Local • be Aloha

means everything we harvest from our garden finds a place at our Farm Café, but it’s not just about the food… Fresh is being sustainable by always changing for the better and finding new ways to do old things.

is knowing your roots and being proud of where you come from. It’s about building our communities and leaving things better off than when we found them.

is about the way you think and live. It’s about respecting and nurturing the relationships we have with family, friends, and our planet. It’s about spreading good vibes and our Aloha spirit.